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7 Signs Your Subconscious Is Running the Show

And What You Can Do To Change It!

PSYCH-K Program

  • You have headaches whenever you are stressed.
  • You’ve had the same pain in your shoulder for years.
  • You hate taking pain medicine, but need something to make the pain go away.
  • You’ve tried many remedies but nothing seems to work for long.
  • Sometimes the headaches are so bad you have to lie down, and then you get more stressed because you really don’t have time for this.


So what’s really going on?

It’s very likely that you have some subconscious beliefs that are not consistent with your conscious beliefs, and your body is giving you signals that something needs to change.

Beliefs like “I never do things well” or “Life is hard and I need to keep pushing”.

And your conscious mind probably has no idea that these beliefs even exist.  Often the belief that is causing the issue doesn’t even seem to be connected once you find it.


I can help you rewrite those beliefs that are stressing your body, so that those symptoms can go away.

Through a fast process called PSYCH-K® I help you completely change those beliefs so that you can move with ease and stay focused on your day.

Note: Actual results may vary. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor or therapist either directly or indirectly. Our intention is to offer an additional method of addressing stress to help our clients in their quest for spiritual, emotional and/or physical well-being.

Learn more about my service offerings.