Does this sound like you?

  • Do you find that—despite following your coaches instructions—some part of your business doesn’t move forward? You stay stuck no matter what you try—and it doesn’t make sense!

  • Are you “shoulding” on yourself? You should be further along. You shouldn’t struggle so often. Does the comparison monster live on your shoulder?

  • Do overwhelm and anxiety fuel your days—and you’re not sure why?

  • Are you a procrastinator who puts things off until the last possible minute?


  • Feeling confident in your decisions

  • Attracting clients and income with ease

  • Setting and keeping healthy boundaries

  • Really creating the life you want—with joy

  • Believing in yourself and your purpose completely

  • Feeling totally supported

“I've had a major shift in my business mindset and momentum thanks to working with Judy in the Business Alignment Workshop. Before, I felt reluctant to step into my business and take the action I knew would grow my business. I felt blocked by overwhelm. Now the reluctance has cleared. I feel energized by the action steps I'm taking instead of overwhelmed. I feel confident and at ease instead of fearful and worried. Thanks Judy!"

- Debra Clark

"I am so glad that I joined the Business Alignment workshop! It offered far more than I anticipated - a valuable combination of masterminding with other business owners and shifting my subconscious beliefs through PSYCH-K®. I experienced changes - shifts, if you will - in my own perspective and beliefs that have supported growth for me personally and in business."

- Kelly Lutman, Functional Medicine Wellness Coach at Pursue Wellness,

Meet Jennifer Flynn of The Balance Maven, who shares her experience of participating in the Business Alignment Workshop.