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7 Signs Your Subconscious Is Running the Show

And What You Can Do To Change It!

Anxiety imageYou’ve had some difficult events and situations in your life, and you’ve done a lot of work to get past those and find the happiness in life that you want.

You’ve looked deep into your behaviors and emotions, looked for self-understanding and found a variety of avenues to help yourself get to where you can hold things together most of the time.

But then you have those moments, or those days, when the anxiety gets the better of you. You think of these times as something you just need to live with.


So what’s really going on?

You probably are suffering from trauma of some sort, and are reacting with limited capabilities because, at some level, the fear in you is overwhelming. That fear may be caused by beliefs in your subconscious mind.

Beliefs like “It’s not safe for me to be here” or “I don’t deserve to be happy”.

And your conscious mind probably has no idea that these beliefs even exist.

If your subconscious beliefs are that you are in danger, or are not worthy of loving and supportive relationships, and if those beliefs are tied to events that were distressing enough to cause trauma, you can find yourself experiencing debilitating anxiety at unexpected times and for unpredictable periods of time.


I can help you transform those beliefs into ones of peaceful non-attachment.

Through a fast process called PSYCH-K® I can help you find peace after all the years of suffering you have had. And when you do, you’ll feel lighter, more hopeful, and more at peace. This will allow you to move forward in your life with more confidence and ease.

Note: Actual results may vary. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems by your doctor or therapist either directly or indirectly. Our intention is to offer an additional method of addressing stress to help our clients in their quest for spiritual, emotional and/or physical well-being.

Learn more about my service offerings.