Head Trash – How Is It Showing Up?

I frequently give presentations and appear as a guest on podcasts. My topic is Head Trash. I talk about where those limiting, subconscious beliefs come from, how to recognize them, and what you can do about them. When I talk about how that head trash is showing up in your life, I talk about various categories of beliefs that are common and are holding people back in some way.


How Do You Know?

People always seem to be interested in the examples I give, but I never really get to expand on the full range of impacts these can have because there are time limits to the events and because each conversation is geared to a particular audience. And I can’t speak to the full range here, because your subconscious is the lens through which you interpret events, people, and yourself. It creates your perspective of your life. And each of you has a different perspective. It would be impossible to cover all of them. But I’m going to give a few examples of the types of impacts those beliefs can have.


Major emotions

Sometimes I work with people who are experiencing big emotions that are impacting them on a regular basis:

  • This could be due to early trauma, where the person struggles to get through each day and overcome their sense of being unsafe, unsupported, and unvalued.
  • It could be an inability to move forward. Events have arranged themselves so that the person is in overwhelm and can’t begin to see how to get on top of the stuff they feel they need to do.
  • There are also phobias. These aren’t usually a daily impact, but they are severe when the reaction occurs. These are also usually very easy to reverse (so far I’ve never had a client take a full session to neutralize these). Think fear of flying, snakes, spiders, driving over bridges – all the things that can highjack your emotions, where you don’t get to choose your response.


Ongoing limits

Sometimes the work centers more on changes people want to see in their life, but that aren’t taking an extreme toll on them. They are frustrated because they’ve tried to change a behavior or outcome, and haven’t been successful at it. If it’s business related, it may not seem urgent but there is an impact of lost opportunity nonetheless.

  • You may notice that you’re not as strategic as you could be about who to help or collaborate with. (There’s nothing wrong about choosing situations that can be helpful to BOTH of you!)
  • You may have conflicting money beliefs that give you heartburn every time you think about investing in yourself or your business.
  • Perhaps you’d like to feel okay leaving a little food on your plate, so you could lose those pesky extra 10 pounds.


Physical symptoms

You’d be surprised how many physical symptoms I’ve seen go away when some subconscious beliefs were changed! These include all sorts of situations, but I’ve seen quite a few related to mobility, pain, migraines, and allergies.


Big dreams

Occasionally I work with people who have a big dream, but they don’t really believe there is any way of making that a reality. Maybe they think it’s too late to tackle this, or maybe they think they have to do all of the work and there are parts they know they wouldn’t enjoy. Both of those situations involve beliefs that are limiting them and not necessarily true. They avoid moving forward on something that would otherwise be fulfilling and meaningful to them.


You have choices

Start paying attention to how you are experiencing your life. If you notice a lack of joy, anticipation, or being able to move forward, I bet there is head trash involved. I’d be happy to discuss it with you in a 15-minute free conversation. You can schedule one here.

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