Messages from the Universe?

Image by 51581 from Pixabay

Have you ever experienced a sequence of events that made you think the Universe was trying to give you a message? (You can substitute anything you like for the word Universe – it’s just the word I use.)


A little background

About a month ago, I thought I lost everything on my computer. I wrote about that in last month’s blog post. I decided that it was a message to spend less time in front of my computer. So I did. I started doing more things from my phone, like emails and social media interactions. That way I could be outside or have my feet up – it was just a way to reduce time sitting in the same spot, in the same position. It seemed like a good solution to me. At the time.


Then this!

Fast forward to a week ago. It was about 11 pm on Saturday. I was getting ready to go to bed but decided to do a last check for app notifications on my phone. (I don’t get “push” or sound notifications for most things – just a badge count to let me know there’s something that needs my attention.) For some mysterious reason, my iPhone screen locked up and the phone went into SOS mode. In the process of trying to unlock the screen, my phone dialed 911. I could see it happening but since my phone was unresponsive, there was nothing I could do about it. Luckily the sound worked and I could explain (kind of) that I was okay and had no emergency.


That’s not all

While I was doing that, I started getting text messages from my daughters. Apparently, the phone had also texted my emergency contacts. And again, my phone was not letting me text back. I had to boot up my iPad and wait an interminably long time for it to connect to Wi-Fi so that I could text back and reassure them that I was fine.


And it continued

After trying a series of suggestions from Google (some of which texted the kids again), I was finally able to unlock my phone enough to use the screen. However, it stayed in SOS mode until some time over Sunday night. When I woke up Monday, it looked like everything was working ok. But then there were these other weird things that happened.


Then there were the other things

Dropbox wouldn’t let me copy files from one (and only one) folder. An app I’d been using for some courses got amnesia and didn’t think I had an account. My smoke detector went off for no apparent reason. I went out to lunch with a friend (which I rarely do) and left my credit card at the restaurant – I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. All of this happened in the course of 3 days. And everything got resolved more or less on its own, on Monday.


But it wasn’t over yet

For all of last week, half of my appointments needed to be rescheduled by the other person. Which reminded me that I’d had a similar run of last-minute appointment changes a couple of weeks earlier. It’s very rare for anyone to need to reschedule with me, and yet I’d not given much thought to the first week. The second one got my attention.


What on earth was going on?

I’m in the habit of looking for patterns of behaviors, events, or relationships. When those exist, and they aren’t patterns that you like, it’s usually a good clue that you’ve got subconscious beliefs that need to be changed. When I looked back at the last month, I saw events first from my primary connection device, then the first week of reschedules, then all of the other tech issues, and finally the last week of reschedules. I really didn’t want to wait to see what the next attention-getting event was going to be! I started focusing on what the message was so I could respond appropriately.


My approach

Usually, when a message needs to be found, with myself or with clients, once we find it we see there are subconscious beliefs that need to be changed. But sometimes, the first thing to change is a behavior. Just creating awareness can change the pattern. Then if there’s resistance or if the pattern continues, I look for the beliefs that are creating that.


The message I got

In my case, I was able to determine that I just flat out need to disconnect more, to cut out some of the activity and replace it with “quiet” time. Sometimes people can come to solutions on their own, and sometimes they need help to figure out what’s going on and to implement a solution. This is what I do. I help people reshape unwanted patterns. If you need a little disruption in your life, schedule a call and we can talk about it.

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