The Difference Between Panic and Gratitude

posted in: Stress 0
woman looking stressed out
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Have you ever thought about how different panic and gratitude feel? I got a refresher course on this last Monday. The day started out innocently enough. Early in the afternoon, Norton told me it couldn’t update something and to restart, so I did and went off to do something else. Five minutes before my 2:00 appointment, I went to get set up and EVERYTHING HAD CHANGED!


What happened?

My screen saver and background picture were replaced by a default Microsoft image. The number of items on my desktop was about half what it should have been. I couldn’t bring up Zoom. Chrome wanted me to sign in. It looked like all my stuff was gone, including default settings for the system. This of course led to extreme confusion and near-panic.


Now what?

I limped along through the rest of my appointments using other devices. When those were completed, I got my Tech Support on the case. They were able to get me back into my Microsoft and Office accounts, but weren’t very encouraging about what had happened and how to resolve it. Apparently my “stuff” had been copied over to a TEMP account for some reason and got stuck there.


Not my first choice

They said worst case, they might need to reinstall Windows. I’ve done this before – it’s a multi-day ordeal. We ended the call with a plan for me to back up all my data before making any changes to the system. I woke up too early the next morning, trying to decide on my best course of action.


What an energy drain!

I could try to fit in another tech support call and see where it went, knowing my computer could be out of commission for a few days. Or I could wait until the weekend, save as few things as possible to this new account, and backup what was changed or added so I could have those after my system was back. I spent a lot of energy thinking about the pros and cons, and about all the things I had thought I was going to be doing, before this happened.


When in doubt, Google it.

I decided to see if Google had any usable advice. There was a not-too-old suggestion to keep restarting the laptop – apparently sometimes that has helped encourage the system to finish what it started.


Manifesting 101.

I restarted a couple of times, but nothing changed. Then I decided to take a minute, set my intention, and imagine what it was going to feel like when the system came back up as it should. Then I restarted and that’s exactly what happened!



If you’ve ever been in a similar situation, you know the extreme relief and gratitude I felt at that moment and for most of the rest of the day. And I also noticed how different my body felt! Even though I’d been relatively calm and practical during this little fiasco, it had been hard for me to focus and there was definitely a release of tension once the problem resolved itself. That was all due to the stress hormones that mobilized. Those aren’t good for you if they stay too long.


Stress takes a toll.

Too many of us live in a chronic state of stress, or go there on a frequent basis. Have you taken the time to notice how you’re feeling? If you detect stress, try leveling up. Change the way you look at the situation, look for some positive aspect in it, or interrupt the focus on it by doing or thinking about something you enjoy.


Perspective is based on your subconscious beliefs.

If you can’t shift the pattern, consider getting someone to help you with that. Your perspectives are based on your subconscious beliefs. If you are in the habit of being in crisis mode, you probably have some beliefs that are contributing to the stress. To learn more about subconscious beliefs, consider buying my book Your4Truths: How Beliefs Impact Your Life. You might be surprised at all the ways limiting beliefs can show up in your life.

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