Is Their Stress More Important Than Yours?

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Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Have you ever chosen to not ask for what you need or want, because you were concerned that it would stress someone out? Is their stress more important than yours? I think this happens a lot. We are so conditioned to think about the impact on others if we ask for something that we give a higher priority to their well-being than to ours. That’s a sign that your subconscious may think you aren’t as important or valuable as they are.


What’s the message?

I was working with someone the other day who is healing from an injury. We were actually trying to discern why the repair wasn’t on the expected timeline. (When this happens, there is usually a message from your body to change something.) She knew that she really needed to rest more and let her body heal, but had been pushing herself to show up for several other people even though it was causing her physical distress. She was doing this because she knew those people were counting on her, and would be stressed out if she didn’t do what they expected.


Where are you in your priorities?

I think we’ve all been in situations like that. We make a commitment or just know someone is counting on us, then something happens and we just power through it, regardless of the impact on us. And certainly there may be times when that is necessary. I know I’ve done that often in my life. But what is the reason we do this almost automatically? Often, it’s because we have a subconscious belief that our priorities and well-being are not as important as the other person’s.


But wait – there’s more!

When I suggested this to my client, she immediately recognized this as a pattern she’d had most of her life. We changed the subconscious belief to put a higher priority on her well-being. And then she had an insight that I loved – she recognized that in catering to everyone else’s perceived stress, she was not giving them credit for being able to handle difficult situations. This is one of the reasons I love what I do – the insights that people have once they start examining what’s really going on. She created a new belief about allowing people to be able to handle (and responsible for) their own situations.



I’ll be seeing her again, and I can’t wait to hear about the changes she’s noticed. It’s entirely possible that those two beliefs cleared the way for fast healing. It’s also possible that there are other beliefs that are getting in the way. Either way, changes were made in this session that will help. One of the questions I frequently get is about how many sessions it will take to change a situation. Other than phobias (which in my experience have only taken one session), I can never answer that question. Sometimes one session may be enough. Other times, it may take more.


Change those patterns!

If this example makes you think of similar situations in your life, do something to change that! I’m always happy to help, and have a variety of options that are designed to accommodate different situations:

  • People can book a standalone session. I recommend this for people who have a very specific change (like a phobia) or who have never had a PSYCH-K® session before. That way they can evaluate the results and decide if more sessions are needed.
  • I have packages of three sessions, at a lower rate per session. This is great when there’s a situation they’ve been working on for a while and it seems complex. That gives us time to go deeper and explore more aspects related to the situation.
  • There is also a monthly subscription (Belief Relief) where, for a minimum of six months, people come once a month. This has become really popular, because it lets people follow up on what was done earlier, and bring in whatever else has shown up since the last session. It’s clearing the path as you go. (I know from my own personal experience that there is always something else popping up that is limiting me in some way.)


You can schedule any of these here.

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