Taste the Sweetness in Life

Photo by Elina Fairytale: https://www.pexels.com/photo/life-is-now-neon-signage-3811074/

Over a period of about 10 days last month, I heard of an unusual number of people dealing with issues related to their pancreas. I’ve talked with a few friends about this, and they’ve been noticing the same thing. When you consult resources like Louise Hay, you find that there is often a connection between issues with the pancreas and tasting the sweetness in life. I’ve been thinking about this, trying to discern if I’m fully engaged in that sweetness.


Physical Symptoms of Stress

For those of you who aren’t familiar with these types of connections, let me explain. Physical symptoms are often a result of subconscious beliefs that are not supporting you. Those beliefs can cause stress which can then result in symptoms. Think of your body as an instrument panel. When there is distress of some sort, it tries to alert you so that you can do something about it. Bruce Lipton Ph.D., Dr. Joe Dispenza, and many others have written extensively about this. People like Louise Hay, Michael J. Lincoln, Ph.D, and Julia Cannon have written about specific correlations. When I notice trends or work with a client’s symptoms (or one of my own), I always try to get to the beliefs that are the root cause so that they can be changed. Once the belief that is causing the stress is changed, then the symptom(s) can go away.


Sweetness in Life

When I started thinking and consulting resources about the pancreas, I discovered that there are three aspects of this that I wanted to consider:


  • Allow It In: It’s so easy to focus on all the things on our To Do list that we don’t think to prioritize time to acknowledge the good things all around us. I find myself so intent on completing tasks that filling my day with actions is easy.


  • Experience It: Even when I take the time to recognize all the beauty and sweetness and joy that is there, I frequently short-change the experience. I check that off the list and move on to the next task, instead of fully accessing my appreciation for it.


  • Immerse Yourself: Taking it further would be immersing myself in all that joy and sweetness – to the point where I’m literally feeling those vibrations within me. When you get to that point, you’re able to spread the positive vibes to those around you – sharing the love, if you will.



There’s a lot of fear and pain being activated in our world right now. Sometimes I feel powerless to do something constructive about that. This is one way everyone can make a difference – a powerful antidote. Getting myself to that higher place, where I can taste the sweetness, is my own responsibility. I have the tools to get me there if I need them.


Life Is Now

I want to appreciate what is in my present and attract experiences and people that resonate with this intention. I want to take action when something is distressing my body. If you want the same but discover that you have beliefs that are creating a barrier for you, I can help. Schedule a call here to find out more.

4 Responses

  1. What a fantastic article. You are so right on target. What a gift to your clients that you take the time to research what is happening. As you know, when something is shown to you 3X there is clearly a message for you to understand. However, I love that you understand the message of sweetness and don’t just sit with that understanding but take it further and realize your power to sit in appreciation of the many beautiful things in your life. Sitting in that sweetness is such healing energy as well as another gift of healing to offer all those you work with.

    • Judy Kane
      | Reply

      Thank you so much Dorothy. I appreciate your taking the time to respond to this.

  2. Nancy Zare
    | Reply

    It all comes down to being aware and fully conscious, rather than sleep-walking through life. I appreciate your suggestions, Judy.

    • Judy Kane
      | Reply

      Thank you Nancy! I’m glad this was helpful.

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