Why Success May Be Eluding You

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Person jumping triumphantly
Image by Shad0wfall from Pixabay

Does success seem to always be eluding you? I frequently work with people who want their business or career to be more successful. They work hard and long, but that success seems to constantly be just out of reach. They tell themselves that they aren’t working hard enough or that they don’t have the talent or skills to achieve their goals. This puts them in a constant state of stress, and they experience emotions like fear, frustration, doubt, shame, or anger.


Are you afraid of it?

What if I told you that one main reason was a fear of success? So many people are struggling to achieve goals that they consciously want, but their subconscious beliefs are “protecting” them from success because it’s not safe for some reason.


How much will it cost?

One cause I’ve seen frequently is based on the belief that success will cost too much. Not financially necessarily, but in terms of time and/or effort. If you have subconscious beliefs that you have to work hard to be successful and put in long hours, it might be avoiding success to protect your health or your family time or other priorities or obligations that you may also have.


Slow and steady wins the race.

It may be that you have subconscious beliefs that a business needs to grow slowly in order to build a firm foundation. I’ve seen that in clients, and the solution was changing that belief to something more like one where they know that a business can be healthy and also grow fast from the very beginning.


And then there are those money beliefs!

It might be because of conflicting beliefs about how safe it is to have a lot of money. See another blog I wrote on that topic here.



It might be because your subconscious believes it’s not safe to be seen or heard. It’s very hard to achieve success if you are hiding and quiet. People need to see you and hear your message for you to be an effective leader. Whether you have a corporate career or are a solopreneur, leadership is a necessary component of success.


How can you tell?

Since subconscious beliefs can be difficult to identify, you’re probably wondering how you would know if this is causing success to be eluding you. The best way is to look at what is happening. Are you spinning your wheels – doing the work but getting no traction? Or do you notice that you keep doing things to self-sabotage? Procrastination is one variety of this, but look for the patterns and see if this is a consistent behavior. Or just sit still and imagine what it will feel like to be successful. If the main emotion you feel is fear or anxiety, that’s another clue that you have some subconscious beliefs working against you.


Another day, another time.

There are other possible reasons that could be keeping success at bay, such as not feeling like you deserve to be successful or having a fear of failure, but I’ll save those for another blog.


What’s the rush?

If you can see that you have resistance to success for some reason, I ask you to consider what that is costing you. Each day you push against it takes a toll emotionally. It might be negatively impacting your relationships. If you’re stressed out, it could be impacting you physically. And it is definitely adding to the gap between what you are earning and what you want to be earning.


Why not take action now, and change those beliefs so that they support you on your journey to success? It will make things SO much easier! Book a call with me here and let’s talk about what I can do to help.

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