What does it mean to thrive?

posted in: Stress 0
Photo by Magda Ehlers: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pattern-texture-abstract-vintage-4116668/

There are lots of resources focused on helping people shift from surviving to thriving. I talk with people every day who are just trying to survive – if not physically, then certainly emotionally. Thriving seems out of reach to many of them. And yet shouldn’t that really be our goal? Better yet, a reachable goal? Can you even define what it means to you to thrive?


What do you want?

One of the challenges I see with clients is that they are aware of what they don’t want, but find it difficult to define exactly what they DO want. We humans make a lot of choices based on the fear of something. We often don’t take the time to stop and decide what we really do want instead. Consequently, it often happens that we aren’t really happy with the path this takes us on.


Ready for the revolution?

According to lots of sources that I read or listen to, we are getting ready for some big consciousness shifts here on planet Earth. This morning I read the article We’re at the Start of a Human Revolution by Arianna Huffington on Thrive Global which resonated with me. She was talking about various transformations humankind has gone through, and how we are nearing the end of the hustle and burnout culture. One quote particularly caught my attention: “The Human Revolution is about acknowledging the truth that life should be centered around our full humanity, which includes work but also includes nurturing our health and well-being, our relationships, our capacity for wonder and joy and for giving back. When our lives revolve around our full humanity, we’re able to fulfill our fundamental need to connect not just to ourselves but to something larger than ourselves.”


Take a little time

How often are our lives balanced like this? How does it feel in those times when it is? Would that be your definition of thriving or is it more than that? Wouldn’t it be worth your time to stop and think about this? What if you were really able to define how it would look and feel to be thriving? The next step would be to determine a few actions you could take to move you closer to that.


What stories do you want to change?

I’m offering a free virtual storyboard workshop tomorrow to help people rewrite the stories they have about the holidays. This season can feel overwhelming and hectic, and fill people with dread. After reading the article I mentioned, I’m thinking about offering something similar to help people create stories about thriving. So that they can get some clarity about what that would be like. I’d love to know if there’s an interest in this. Contact me (judy@alignedconsciousness.com) if you would like to participate or if you have other ideas for visualizing something different in your life. I’d love to put something together that would help.

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