I’m (Nearly) a Published Author

posted in: Abundance 2
Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

Some of you may have noticed or heard me mention casually that I was writing a book. I’ve been so casual about the whole thing that one of my daughters wasn’t even aware! Whoops. So I’m coming out of hiding and sharing the news that I’m (nearly) a published author!

Why I decided to write a book

First, I’m a reader and have long admired people who write books and have them published. I’m also in an amazing virtual networking group called Virtual Networkers where many of the women I’ve met have written books, some of which I’ve bought. These books have served me and my business. I’ve also realized that many people do not know much about subconscious beliefs. As I considered the women I knew and how they shared their knowledge and expertise, I thought, “I could do that.” And, so I did. My book, Your4Truths, will come out this November. It’s all about the impact of subconscious beliefs on your life.

Taking a Different Path

Many of the authors I personally know have self-published their books. When I met Deborah Kevin of Highlander Press, I learned of a different way to publish. Debby pulls together soon-to-be-authors into a cohort whose books will publish in a specific time period. I’m in the Fall 2021 cohort with six other women, most of whom will have their books published between September and November 2021. This community became a tight-knit, supportive part of my journey to authorhood. We’ve learned the why behind the way books look so we can understand decisions being made, many of which we’re a part of. It’s been a transformational experience!

The Perfect Place

As I mentioned in last month’s blog, before my move to Tampa, I culled my thousands of books to what I deemed a reasonable number. When I unpacked the boxes in my new home, my book-to-shelf ratio was just a wee bit off (okay, maybe more than a wee bit). Stacks of books that didn’t fit straight up in my deep, custom-built bookcases ended up on the shelves in front of the books I had organized. Recently, I started going through these stacks to try to make some sense of what was there. That all started because I was looking for a particular book and it wasn’t as easy to find as it should have been.

I set up a new bookshelf in my office area specifically for books written by authors I actually know. I can’t wait to see my book among these others!  It felt really good to have a plan for this subset of books, and I’m inspired to get the rest of my poor stacked books into some sort of order as well.

Join Me

My book officially launches on November 11, 2021, and I’d love to invite you to be part of the fun that day. If you’re interested in being a launch partner (not to worry–my launch team makes the whole process SO easy for you), would you please reply to this post and say, “I’m IN” or “Tell me more”? I’d be happy to explain what would be involved.

2 Responses

  1. Dee
    | Reply

    Wow !!!

    • Judy Kane
      | Reply

      Thanks Dee!

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