Time to Rethink My Strategy

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Photo by Darwin Vegher on Unsplash

Before I moved to Florida six years ago, I rehomed literally thousands of books that I’d collected over the years in Richmond. I had a huge bookshelf built into my new home. But by the time I got to unpacking the last boxes, not all my books fit nicely on the shelves. Even worse, new purchases had to be piled in stacks in front of other books. I knew that eventually I’d need to rethink my strategy and do some reorganizing! Little did I know that my “book problem” unleashed a subconscious stressor.

Design a New System

As I reorganized my books, I thought about all the tasks I had on my to-do list. It occurred to me that I had let the tasks accumulate just as I had my books. I reached a point where I felt a little defeated (okay, and possibly stressed out!) because not everything on my To-Do list was getting checked off.

I realized I needed to revisit my goals and prioritize my tasks accordingly. This meant I got to rethink my strategy. I confirmed my top three focus areas and then identified the top two to three items that supported each goal. Then I reviewed my task list and categorized which tasks needed to be on the current week’s schedule and which didn’t. My system included “Strategic vs Routine” and “Now vs Later” tags. Not surprisingly, there were quite a few tasks that I really didn’t need to be doing in the near future. Once I’d finished revamping my strategy, I felt much better about both my schedule and task list!

Renewed Excitement

Taking time to get clarity on what I really needed to focus on was so worth it! I have a renewed sense of purpose and excitement about my goals and what tasks are needed to achieve them. The increased clarity also brought a sense of relief and joy to my life and business. And, as an added bonus, my books are easier to find, too!


Sometimes I work with people who are overwhelmed and stuck in their business tasks. Getting clarity on their purpose and goals is the first important step to changing that. It’s also critical that your subconscious supports you! My Business Alignment Workshop has been very successful in helping participants:

    • get the clarity and support they need to move forward with their goals, and
    • change beliefs that are blocking them.

I invite you to read more about that here.

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