Heads up: a seven-year-old is driving your car!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Imagine tossing your car keys to a seven-year-old and saying, “You drive.” Sounds far-fetched, right? Truth is, you’re likely doing just this every day!

Your subconscious is mostly formed by the time you are seven

According to many experts, our subconscious beliefs are mostly formed by the time we are seven years old. That makes sense – we come into life a blank slate for the most part. We need to learn how to survive in whatever environment we land in. And survival rules are more complicated than you might realize. It’s not just about common safety – it’s also about your family and other sources of “truth.”

For example, most of us learned at some point that touching a hot stove will burn us or to get out of the way of a car hurtling toward us. But some of us also learned it’s not safe to express our feelings, or to take risks and fail. Some learned it was unsafe to be seen.

Your environment populates your subconscious

Children absorb rules like little sponges, because adapting to their environment is their best way to survive and thrive. We learn what behaviors and values are “good” or “bad” early in life. Subconscious beliefs can be established or changed later in life, but the majority of our beliefs are established by the age of seven.

You mostly run on autopilot

In addition, your subconscious mind operates so much faster than your conscious mind that it controls around 95% of your life. As Bruce Lipton says, that means when you are not consciously thinking about something, you are running on autopilot and that is controlled by your subconscious. Therefore, your inner seven-year-old is driving your car!

You can change your subconscious beliefs

How do you know what your subconscious beliefs are? Assess your life. Do things typically work out for you? If so, your beliefs support your goals and dreams. But if there are areas that are always hard or stressful, you probably have beliefs preventing you from getting what you want. The good news is you can change unhelpful beliefs! And I can help. Book a session here and let’s get that seven-year-old into a drivers ed program!

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