When is the last time you wrote a love letter?

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Picture credit: Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

How many of you have ever written a love letter? You know, the kind where you talk about what the other person means to you, how you feel when you think about them, important things from your past, things you want for your future? Some of you may have never written one. If you’re like me, if I ever did write a love letter, it was a long time ago.


Reminder of the important things

It would probably be an excellent thing to do every so often, to remind you of what’s important in your relationship – what you value and appreciate about them, and possibly how you are different because of the relationship. Coming out of Thanksgiving, it’s timely to think about what you are grateful for.


What if your letter is not for a person?

Okay – so many of you are going to jump right to the concept of writing a letter to a pet. Which is fine. I have pets, and I love them. But I had something else in mind. If you work outside the home, what if you wrote a love letter to your business or career? What if they wrote one back? What would be in those letters?


Here’s what I learned

I was in a multi-day workshop last summer, and this is exactly what we did for homework for one of those days. I must admit I felt a little unsure about how to start it – it felt a little silly. But I trusted the instructor and knew there would be value in the exercise. It was one of the most meaningful exercises I’ve ever done related to my business! I had spent time over the years thinking about my big why, and the business purpose, and short and long term goals. But this was powerful. I hadn’t stopped to think about all the ways I had grown because I started my business or about my absolute trust that it is what I should be doing. And when I wrote back as my business, I realized that I had nurtured Aligned Consciousness through some challenges but hadn’t stopped to appreciate that. I also was reminded that I had built a platform that will work for whatever expansion I choose.


Here’s how I’m using that

I got so much out of the exercise that I included it in my Business Alignment Workshop. It’s only part of what we do – there are lots of other parts that are just as valuable. But the goal is to get you aligned with your business and remove any subconscious blocks that are keeping you from achieving your goals. The next session begins in January 2021.


Want to know more?

The last workshop I offered was very well received. Here’s what one of the participants said:

“Working with Judy and attending her Business Alignment Workshop was a life-changing experience. She was able to help me grow my business by breaking down the brick wall that was holding me back. Through her encouragement and patience, we worked on subconscious belief statements that stopped me from feeling overwhelmed which then allowed me to feel more confident to tell my story.  I highly recommend Judy and the Business Alignment Workshop to any person who is struggling to move their business forward. What I call her ‘Judy Magic’ amazingly works!” – Hilary

Here’s where you can find out more.

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