What to do When Your Subconscious Unexpectedly Pops Up 

posted in: Relationships 2


SIlhouette of couple at night looking out over water
Image by Hristo Hristov from Pixabay

This post shares the story of my subconscious unexpectedly making itself known when, in the middle of July, my old air conditioner finally died. I live in Florida, so the “feels like” temperature was brutal. Last summer, it gave me notice that it needed repairs, so I—thankfully— had bought a small portable unit for my bedroom to tide me over while it got fixed. I re-installed that so at least I could sleep somewhat comfortably while I faced the necessary maintenance and replacement challenges.

On the sixth night of living in heat hell, I formulated the questions I wanted to ask of companies quoting a new system. I found myself thinking how nice it would be if there were someone else in my life who could handle this. Whoa! Where did those thoughts come from? I’m pretty independent and highly capable. Why did I feel this way?


Taking Stock

The A/C questions got pushed aside so I could ponder this new insight. I am not currently in a romantic relationship and am frequently alone, more so during the pandemic. I don’t feel lonely and I can easily amuse myself in a variety of ways.  As much as I like being able to do what I like whenever I want, I would also be happy to be in a committed relationship. I’ve been married twice, and I love being part of a couple. Sharing our days, affection, thoughts, and emotions are aspects of being in a couple that I really enjoy. Plus, planning and sharing travels and events are more fun with a partner.

Whenever I’ve thought about the positive aspects of past and future relationships, it was the things we’d do together that rose to the surface. I hadn’t given thought to the things I wouldn’t have to do—things an engaged partner would handle. I’ve always been able to get household maintenance tasks handled effectively on my own. Yet to my surprise, I didn’t relish having to go through the vetting process for a new HVAC.


Practicing with Myself

With an assist from PSYCH-K® and muscle testing, I was surprised to learn that I subconsciously didn’t trust myself to ask the right questions and make a good decision about what system to invest in. Wow! And I know that I don’t want to bring that energy or expectation into my next relationship! Instead, I want to enter as a fully-functioning, self-assured partner who appreciates what the other brings in, too, without needing anything.

What valuable information I gained all because my A/C bit the dust. I’m sure other beliefs await excavation before I move forward into romance because I want to attract interdependence—not codependence.


Can You Relate?

Do you like being you? I love being me. One of the reasons is how easy it is for me to discover—and immediately change— subconscious beliefs that are out of alignment with what I consciously want. I’m happy to help others do the same. If your beliefs need some alignment, schedule a session here.

2 Responses

  1. Li
    | Reply

    What a great perspective. Yes I have noticed some undesired thoughts, but I really like you tackled the issue.

    • Judy Kane
      | Reply

      Thank you Li!

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