Is Your Resistance Weighing You Down?

weights for barbell
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

For the past month, I’ve noticed something interesting. It all started one Sunday morning when I decided I needed a new approach for a couple of problem areas I’d been working on addressing. I had just woken up, and as I lay in bed, my sinuses became congested, an occurrence that had repeated itself over several mornings.

Using my usual muscle testing hadn’t identified the cause, and I felt stymied. Also, I had a couple of other areas in my body felt kind of crummy. Each felt dense, so I pictured each area, one at a time, and released the resistance I discovered and replaced it with ease and flow. Some places took longer than others, but eventually, I felt they had all been cleared. Then I visualized my energy flowing smoothly throughout my body. Once I finished the process, I realized that I felt so much lighter–resistance had been weighing me down!


Can resistance be measured?

I’m a creature of habit, and one of my practices is that I weigh myself on Sundays. Despite my best efforts, I hadn’t successfully shed the weight I wanted to. That Sunday, though, after my resistance melting exercise, the scale reflected to me that I was two pounds lighter–a lovely surprise. Two pounds isn’t much to get excited about, I thought. (My weight had fluctuated within five pounds for some time, two pounds up, two pounds down.)

I liked how I felt releasing my resistance and tried it again the next morning. I decided to weigh myself again. Hmm—I was down another two pounds, which put me below the bottom of my normal range. Interesting! I had to keep repeating this. Over three weeks, I lost a little over twenty pounds. And my diet wasn’t better. In fact, it was worse than normal due to birthday celebrations and a sudden weird craving for potato chips. Plus, I was moving less than normal because summer humidity had finally arrived here in Florida.

The only change in my routine was adding a daily practice of releasing resistance. I don’t even know what the resistance was about—I’m still working on getting to the root cause of it.


Is there something I’m trying to control?

My weight challenges had to be related to the resistance. As Jennifer Hamady says in her article in Psychology Today, “You cannot change a situation or circumstance when you’re in the process of resisting it.” It’s gotten me to start thinking about how this might help others. I know so many people who, like me, have kept the weight on regardless of calories consumed or burned. I’ve been able to help many clients by finding the beliefs associated with the weight and guiding them through a change process. But some root causes, including mine, have been elusive.


Addressing the symptom isn’t a final solution

Since I keep finding resistance to release, there must be beliefs creating it every day. I’m systematically exploring the origins of my beliefs and resistance, rewriting those as I find them. And although the daily losses aren’t as significant as they when I began, the downward trend continues. As exciting losing so much weight is, I’m equally intrigued by the concept that resistance appears to be heavy.


I would love some feedback!

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight and have tried a variety of ways like I had, I’d love to know if my resistance-releasing practice also works for you. Would you let me know? If it turns out to be useful for enough people, I’d want to share the information widely. You can email me at with your process and results.

2 Responses

  1. Carissa
    | Reply

    I’m really curious about your resistance releasing technique.. it is about paying attention to it, visualizing the energy, and breathing it out? That’s what I think of – and practice off and on. I’m working on this aspect, too; although I’ve been focusing on other practices like Taking in the Good and Inquiry to help me.

    • Judy Kane
      | Reply

      I’ve been visualizing and then letting it dissolve, but breathing it out would do the same thing I’m sure. I think any way you release it from yourself would probably work. And then replace it with what you want – I use ease and flow, but that’s just my choice. Let me know what you notice 🙂

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