What are the Real Costs of Staying Shut Down or Reopening?

Photo by Robin Higgins—1321953. Pixabay.

Everywhere you look, headlines debate the question of when to reopen businesses during the coronavirus. What’s the cost of remaining shut down versus opening things up? You probably have an opinion about this. Your conclusion might have come from weighing the economic cost of shutdown against the risks to human health and wellbeing of reopening. And your method of valuation varies from others’ because we each have different tolerances and perspectives on risks and benefits.



Most people make decisions by weighing the pros and cons, the cost versus benefits, or some similar version of comparison (like a decision matrix). I frequently make decisions this way. Something else I’ve noticed: my options are usually limited by what seems possible at the moment. And this is a key point: we only know what we know.

Have you ever thought about what your limits are costing you? What would the value be if you felt confident in areas you currently doubt, with less stress? Would you make different decisions about where to put your resources— your time, energy, attention, or money? Could those decisions bring you a whole new experience and a different set of results?


How Belief Alters Perception

Just imagine, if you can, a whole new world of opportunity available to you if you knew what existed beyond the periphery. Let me give you a few real-world examples.

  • Are you terrified of speaking in public? If you said “yes,” it’s unlikely that you’d consider a career where that was part of the job. Yet, I witnessed a woman go from the utter terror of being the center of attention to excitement and fulfillment as a corporate trainer.
  • I worked with a client who had resigned herself to being single and living alone. Once she changed her belief that there wasn’t anyone out there who would be interested in her, she found a loving partner.
  • I helped a man find a job he was excited about once he believed that he deserved a role where he felt valued and supported. With his old beliefs, he wouldn’t have considered taking a job where he felt happy.

In each of these examples, subconscious beliefs ran the show. Once we identified the beliefs stopping them, they were able to be fulfilled in ways beyond their wildest dreams.


Could Your Beliefs Be Stopping You?

I’ve seen so many defeated and stressed out people become joyful and energized after they uncovered confidence in their ability to do the things they really wanted to do. Take a moment now and just think about the possibilities—what if you actually could follow that dream of yours?


I want to help people just like you do just that. You don’t need to be confined by old beliefs that are disempowering. Let’s find out what is holding you back and open up your future to whatever you choose. Book a session with me and we’ll get started.

2 Responses

  1. Carol A Cumpston
    | Reply

    I found out about Psyche K through another website of Dr. Bruce Lipton. I have read two of his books. I am also a retired hypnotherapist. So, I value what you are saying. I am interested in knowing more about the Psyche K process. Thanks so much

    • Judy Kane
      | Reply

      I’m so glad to hear about your interest. I’m always happy to share what I can about what I do and how it works!

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