Is Giving Better Than Receiving?

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This is the season for giving. And consequently, we also find ourselves on the receiving end of gift exchanges, which many of us are uncomfortable with! Maybe we don’t feel like we deserve the attention or the value. That’s another topic for another post. What about receiving gifts of service or assistance? I know I have a tendency to decline offers of help as I like to be self-sufficient! I recently learned a great lesson that I want to share.

Layer Challenges

For several months, I felt stuck in multiple aspects of my life. Goals weren’t getting met. I had an issue with one hip that I hadn’t been able to resolve (this was particularly difficult for me to deal with because I am used to being able to find the root cause of physical symptoms, change the associated belief, and reclaim balance in my body). No matter how I approached it, I couldn’t find the reason for the discomfort.

My logical mind knew this hip pain meant resistance of some sort, and I wasn’t getting to the core of it. On top of that, my 16-year-old dog’s health was declining. Part of that process included her wanting to go out multiple times each night. Some nights, I only got two or three hours of sleep because I had difficulty falling back to sleep after taking her out. The impact of my sleep deprivation became increasingly evident as the months went by. Something needed to change.

The Universe Provides

In desperation, I sought relief with acupuncture and massage. These skilled practitioners are amazing, and they gave me a little relief. Still, the hip pain persisted. And then an amazing thing happened! Within one week, I had four “gifts” from the Universe: offers from completely unrelated sources for a variety of readings. Two mini-readings came from people in groups I belong to. I signed up for both (curiosity is one of my values).

And a swap that had been on the table since April finally got scheduled. Finally, I received a random text from a friend who does intuitive readings. I’d been on her mind, so she asked what was going on, and offered to check in with me over the weekend.

Generational Curses

Between Wednesday and Saturday, I had four different sets of insights from four different people—and all on the topic of my being stuck and my hip pain. The information built up from one reading to the next, and by the end of the fourth, I had my explanation: generational beliefs I’d been carrying around but completely unaware I was doing so!

My female ancestors were horrified that I wanted to build a business, be front and center, travel alone, and be open to a future romantic relationship AT MY AGE. It was bad enough that I ever wanted more than staying in the background and nurturing my family…but at 70? This was really unacceptable! And so a couple of weeks after my birthday, the resistance starting getting really intense. Luckily, I was able to rewrite those old family beliefs and release the conflict between those and my conscious goals.

Willingness to Receive

While I was at it, I did a few rewrites about being open and willing to receive help. I hadn’t wanted to admit I needed help with this. I hadn’t sought those offers. However, I did accept them when they came along. I said yes because I was exhausted and had tried everything I could think of, to no avail. My biggest insight with the whole situation was it’s okay to get help along the way.

Who Needs Help?

Do you have clients who need help but don’t know how to ask for or accept it? Is that wearing them out? I can help. Let’s talk! Book a virtual coffee with me here.

2 Responses

  1. Maribeth Decker
    | Reply

    Judy, this is fascinating information on generational beliefs! Useful information.

    • Judy Kane
      | Reply

      Thanks Maribeth!

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