How Do Your Money Beliefs Hold You Back?

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Source: Photo by Vladislav Reshetnyak from Pexels – dollar bill

According to a Forbes Magazine article, your beliefs about money could be stopping you from achieving your goals. That’s because your “money scripts” were formed in childhood and can be generations deep. This aligns with my own experience and to countless clients with whom I’ve worked.

According to Kansas State Univerity professors Dr. Brad Klontz and Dr. Sonya Britt there are four types of money beliefs (avoidance, status, worship, and vigilance). I believe all of these can result in financial dysfunction. Let’s explore three common questions my clients have.

Question #1: Why do I feel so stressed about money?

We all need a certain amount of money to support our lifestyles. Some of us stress out at month’s end when we look at our bank balances. Most of us would love to have more to prepare for the future or to travel. Many people work hard but can’t ever seem to get ahead. Also, while money is one way that people measure success, none of us wants to be perceived as greedy. As P.T. Barnum said, “Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.” 

Question #2: Why don’t I have enough money?

Make a list of statements about the money you remember hearing as a child. Some common themes might include, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “it’s greedy to want more than you need,” “money is the root of all evil,” and “people with money aren’t like us.” If you can’t think of any specific messages, think about your reaction to people who have money (for example when someone with an expensive car cuts you off in traffic). This is a clue! Many of my clients who wanted to work on prosperity revealed in their conversations negative opinions about wealthy people. If your subconscious thinks money is not good, it’s going to be really difficult to get past that unless you unlock and release subconscious stories.

Question #3: Why is it impossible for me to save money?

You’ve got a budget. You’re frugal and have great plans to save. But as soon as you have a little extra cash, your car breaks down or your pet requires an expensive test. Would you believe that your subconscious is running that show? You probably have a deeply buried belief that having more than you need is greedy or wrong. Your subconscious will let you make it, but won’t let you keep more than is needed!

Is your subconscious protecting you?

People frequently have one set of conscious beliefs but conflicting beliefs in their subconscious. This can really make life difficult and stressful! Your subconscious controls 95% of your behavior and is a million times faster than your conscious mind. Whenever you drop into automatic behaviors and stop focusing, your subconscious runs the show. And if it thinks money is bad for you, it will cause you to perform in ways that will protect you from it.

How would you rather feel?

Most people aren’t consciously aware of their money beliefs. They just know they feel anxious whenever they think about money or have to pay the bills. If that’s the case, I begin with my clients to transform these stressful emotions to neutral. Once the emotional reactivity is resolved, we explore and address additional beliefs.

Are you ready for a change?

If you have been struggling with money and are finally ready to do something about it, book a session!

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