Stranger Things: From IT Manager to Energy Practitioner

I spent nearly forty years working in information technology (yes, this means I used actual punch cards and floppy disks!). Statistics was my college major and yet, today, I find myself working as an energy practitioner. No, this isn’t as strange as it sounds!

Was Ignorance Bliss?

For much of my life, I didn’t give energy work much thought–mostly because I hadn’t even heard the term and, when I did, I had no idea what it meant. But in 2004, I saw a friend help my then-husband, who had suddenly developed severe pain in his coccyx. He was in so much pain! My friend used energy healing, and within fifteen minutes my husband’s pain disappeared and didn’t come back. Wow, I thought. Energy work can be powerful. A year or so later, I learned about Louise Hay and the connection between subconscious beliefs and physical conditions or symptoms. When I started going to an acupuncturist, I could actually feel the energy moving in me during the sessions.

I clearly remember the excitement I felt in 2009, watching that same friend use PSYCH-K® to help my husband with a different issue. What she did seemed so simple and it intrigued me. I could do that, I thought. No special “gifts” were required to practice. Plus, it worked! I knew I had to learn how to do this myself – it just resonated with me. My mind exploded with the possibilities.

And so I did and can proudly say I am a PSYCH-K facilitator, helping people rewrite subconscious, self-limiting beliefs. My journey into alternative modalities may seem unusual to most people. My daughters still occasionally look at me strangely as if to say, “Who are you and what did you do with our mother?”

Not So Strange Afterall

I’ve always been a problem solver, and I felt PSYCH-K could help people with issues that seem insurmountable. The process could literally change people’s lives by letting them achieve goals that eluded them or release chronic anxiety or phobias that they resigned themselves to live with or help them transform beliefs that were the cause of physical symptoms of stress.

I went to my first PSYCH-K workshop in early 2011 and quickly signed up for every other workshop that was available. Now I can’t even imagine life without this tool. It has helped me personally and given me such joy when working with others.

And it really isn’t that different from what I did before. I still use processes. I still analyze information.  The difference is what I’m using the data for. Instead of systems or management challenges, I’m coupling these comfortable skills in PSYCH-K to help myself and my clients achieve the changes that we want to see in our lives. And how incredibly rewarding! In many cases, there are immediate changes people notice.

I’ve never had such fulfilling and happy “work.”

Give it a Try

Is working together right for us? Let’s talk about it! Schedule a free 30-minute consultation here.

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